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New machine deployment

Installing a new machine can be a challenge for any company, and there are a multitude of factors affecting your deployment experience. Here are a few do’s and don’t’s.

Look for a machine you and your operators, programmers and engineers are already familiar with.
Require the machine manufacturer to provide a post processor and Vericut model, in ADVANCE.
Require that they cut your first piece, preferably prior to installation. Push the limits.
Have Operators/programmers attend training, isolated from and uninterrupted by your production issues.
Have all relevant staff receive all the same training. This is to assure un-interrupted operation once up and running.
Plan out your tooling needs in advance.
Build in a substantial margin of safety into your production schedule for the first few jobs.
Understand that there will be a learning curve.
Bring out the P.O. and verify that everything you paid for was installed.
Check references.
Use the recommended tooling.

Make your purchase choice based on earliest availability.
Forego training.
Purchase a machine that is vastly different from all your other machines.
Put the hottest job on your new, odd machine, then pressure your staff to run it around the clock.