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Who wants to live forever?

What would life be like if aging and disease was 100% preventable? Would that speed up progress and development of new technology?
Very often in a place of work the older and more experienced employees are dismayed by the newer, younger employees making the mistakes that the older ones made 20 or 30 years ago. Clearly that slows down progress, and is time and money wasted.
Being able to prevent aging and death in general would affect life on the planet in many ways. For example, in order to prevent overpopulation, having children would have to be seriously regulated and controlled.
Right now the oceans are being seriously overfished and polluted, and it is projected that by the middle of the century we might me out of fish. The various leaders that are in a position to prevent that will be long dead and gone by 2050, so they don’t really care. IF they lived longer though, they would. Air pollution is the same kind of issue. I believe that people would care more if they thought they had to live with the consequences.
The old saying: “The Earth does not belong to us, we merely borrowed it from our children” rang true for me, so we do our part by recycling and driving a hybrid and not littering. I am pretty sure that not everyone cares that much, and that a lot of people care far more than I do. But today our time here is limited and the choices we make, the strategies we select are often short-sighted.
The technology to indefinitely extend life might be less than 20 years away. You might be here for a long-long time. Might. So treat every day as if it was your last, and love and care like you will live forever.

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