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Ok Dude whatcha got?

Well, simply put, if you can design it, I can drive a tool around it. Over the past 20 or so years manufacturing has been revolutionized by the advances in computer technology, mainly in Cad and Cam, but also in machine controller technology. During this time I have been fortunate to have worked with some of the coolest people on the planet. Above all, I love the old timers who did all this stuff with a slideruler. They redefined my understanding of the term "professional" I have met some wonderful people who worked on the Apollo program, built the Lunar Landing Module the like.

I have been using a tool called Unigraphics since 1993, and it is one of the top two tools of it's kind in existence. I know it is number one, andCatia is making some serious improvements.
During that time I have worked on really too many projects to list, but here are a few:
Gen 1 Airbag. Endo-surgery instruments, less invasive biopsy instruments, Contact lenses, Hellfire missile, F414 engine, GE 90 Engine, F100 EFE Engine, several Rolls Royce engines, smaller turbines, the F-22 Raptor, The F-35 Lightning, The shoulder mounted rocket launcher you see the Marines use in Iraq, Another anti-tank rocket, and the very first HD TV by Phillips. These are just a few that come to mind. And I got to do all this in the company of the world's best engineers, designers and visionaries who are the driving force on innovation. Yes, I do have the coolest job in the world.

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I really like this ver important information about you.

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